Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Southplain ECO Grid - Söderslätts ECO Nät.

An afternoon convention with lunch was held at Ängavallen Gaard 14.00 24/8 2009.

On the agenda: To position our collective resources and to make sustainable plans for our future energy commitments in this sensitive area of south western Scania.

This is as sensitive nature can be - lets save it for the generations to follow.

A beautiful transformer station from a past era - Is it time to revive the ethics in power?

We fail to see the problem with wind power - specially in a municipality that very soon will wade in sea water - if we don't make some dramatic changes to former practices. Locally produced power is simple and not advanced at all.

It also make less need for the ONLY plan so far:

This is what the net owner E.ON has planned for us: a brand new jurassic style 130 KV multi-cable on 28 meter high steel monsters that they will litter the flat open landscape with for generations to come - a horrific alien that beam it's electro-magnetic high powered force fields on animal, plant, insect and man. Not good enough E.ON.

We also fail to see the problem with offshore wind parks. North Lillgrund is seen here with the Falsterbo peninsula in the background. This park is one of the most efficient in the country.

Rather than feeding power into this area, we should produce our own power, preferably by building additional municipality owned wind power at South Lillgrund. The inland feeder structure could then be maintained at present 40KV as opposed to a horrific planned 130KV.

Moderator: Anders Paulsson, ProALL - Guest speaker and consultant electro engineer Mr. Göran Gatenfjord.

Join ProALL to make change.

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